Sidelined by a cold. {I felt this was important and should be eye catching in order to incite sympathy. Commence with "Oh, you poor thing"}
This sucks.
There is only enough room in my head for a precise number of things, whether they be thoughts, brain cells or mucus. I am apparently not losing brain cells at the rate I originally thought (or at least I don't think I I/?). The reason I suspect as much is because I have no ideas for a blog this morning, my story ideas from last night are LONG gone and my head is full of pressure.
I need to keep a pad of paper next to the bed.
I need a nifty pen that has a built in flashlight so that I don't disturb Hubbypants when I have an o'dark-hundred epiphany.
And I'm a little worried that my computer is possessed by gremlins or Blogger is tappin' into something wacky, because it isn't behaving. STOP SAVING MY DATA EVERY 10 are confusing my
I had better quit before the problems start pointing to user error. I'm off in search of tissues.
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