Wordless Wednesday

Somehow, miraculously, my Wordless Wednesday's have taken on a life of their own.

I am still perplexed over the popularity of Flat-top and Spike
 (who, will start developing body image issues 
if I don't quit messing with the drawing of him...or her...).

There mere fact that some of my readers still adore my silly little 
drawings, and bewildering sense of humor, amazes me. 

So, thank you 
 for all of your wonderful comments and for encouraging me
 to keep creating these Wednesday retreats from reality. 
It's been fun, so...I'll ride this wagon as far as it will go.

Below are links to past Wordless Wednesday posts, if'n y'all are new to these here parts. 


Wordless Wednesday 17: The Importance of Grooming

Wordless Wednesday 16: Vacation(ish)

Wordless Wednesday 15: Like, Zombies...duh. 

Wordless Wednesday 14: Writer's Block

Wordless Wednesday 13: Hitting the pavement

Wordless Wednesday 12: And so it begins...Again

Wordless Wednesday 11: Importance of Compliments

Wordless Wednesday 10: Keep your fingers out of my business 

Wordless Wednesday 9: And the next book is...

Wordless Wednesday 8: It's the coffee's fault

Wordless Wednesday 7: The ART of punishment

Wordless Wednesday 6: Being Green(ish)

Wordless Wednesday 5: Revenge is slippery

Wordless Wednesday 4: A lesson in patience

Wordless Wednesday 3: Morning!

Wordless Wednesday 2: Ur doin' it wrong - or- It's the Yogurts fault.

Wordless Wednesday 1: Tempation