Sunday, August 04, 2013

A City Through My Eyes - Chicago and Cleveland

BlogHer'13 was awesome!
Traveling is awesome!
And a bit of a blur.
The words I need to write a real blog post have grown wings, 
found an escape via my ears and 
flown the belfry.

While I work on capturing those flighty words 
(visions of me leaping in the air with a giant butterfly net entered your mind, didn't they)
 here is a photo tour of my trip to Chicago, with a side trip to Cleveland thrown in. 

This is both cities, through my no particular order.
 I hope you enjoy the tour. 

Oh...and...these are my images, thus the lack of image credits. 
All the credit goes to me! 
No, actually...Instagram gets the credit for having all the cool
photo effects that allowed some of these images to POP! 
So...yeah...thanks Instagram! 




  1. Very cool! I would watermark them though, they're too pretty not the steal :)

  2. Those photos are awesome! How cool is that T-rex pic! I have to agree with the pp,you should definitely watermark them. :) Just beautiful!

  3. Is that Sue, the T-rex in Chicago? There's a great bit in one of Jim Butcher's Dresden files where he reanimates the skeleton and goes riding through the park... A plot twist I did NOT see coming!

    Thanks for the pics, and the great essay on business cards. Ditto, lady. Ditto.

  4. Awesome pics! Love your use of colors to highlight and focus attention. They are works of art. I agree with stephanie above you should watermark them.

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