No, really...what's a girl to do when she wants to do it all? How do you pick? How do you say, "Hmm, this sounds the best...I'll pour my heart and soul into THIS and the world will be filled with daffodils." Tra-la-la...bam, you've made the decision.
So, in ain't so fricking easy. I've been in school for all of a week now and I'm filled with giddiness over the possibilities. On Wednesday my Career Life Planning professor asked what we wanted to be when we were kids. I wanted to be Indiana Jones (only, I'm not afraid of snakes). As we all well know, it's not exactly easy to jet off to an exotic foreign local to discover ancient treasures when you are a 39 year old mother of two who has to deliver the kids to basketball practice and voice lessons. I mean, what museum curator is going to take me seriously when I pull up in a dirty mini van, smelling like the pot roast and potatoes that have been simmering in the crock pot all day?
So, I've had to cross being Indy off my list. Yet, I still don't have a number 2. I'm somewhat like a kid when it comes to what I want to do, I just don't know. I want to be, in no particular order:
* Adult Learning Teacher
*Counselor (Retention, Career, Life)
* Travel Consultant
* Librarian
* Curator
* Genealogist
These were not necessarily listed in order of importance and it's not my entire list of dream jobs, what quickly came to mind. I want to do them all. I could even combine them! I can be a Curator in a foreign country that teaches adults how to research their family tree. I want to be a librarian and research historical stuff. I want to work for treasure hunters and discover where Spanish galleons sunk with a ships hull full of golden bullion.
I'm sure reality will sink in and I'll make a decision, since I am somebody's wife and mother and the world doesn't work exactly that way...but, a girl can dream....right? I can spend just a little bit of time imagining the world is kneeling at my feet and I'm the master of my destiny. Ahh, the possibilities!
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