Friday, November 02, 2012

And So She Agreed - NaBloPoMo Begins

Big She wasn't feeling it, the whole writing thing.

Little She thought Big She was being a lazy-pants, just sitting there staring at all the unfinished drafts piling up and looking pitiful.

So, when Big She was occupied with the day-to-dayness of that thing called 'The Doing of Stuff that Needs Doing', Little She signed her up for November NaBloPoMo '12.

"Big She had done it before", rationalized Little She, so she put on her Growed Up panties and told Big She.

Well, Big She being the drama-lama that she is went all batty in the belfry, yelling such things as, "And where am I supposed pull inspiration from? My [censored](insert your own 3 letter word here)."

Little She could not be detoured - no, she was a tenacious little [censored] (insert your own 4 letter word here). So she said, "But it's like riding a Unicorn, once you do it you'll never forget! So, get back on your cone headed beastie and ride...or, write...write like the wind!"

Big She really couldn't think of a reason NOT to participate and, really...Big She wanted to avoid further discussion with Little She, because it was just getting too weird.

And so...Big She agreed to give NaBloPoMo a shot. A day late.

p.s. - This Blogger is not opposed to colorful 'adult' words, but since some people might be reading for the first time it seemed like a good idea to encourage participation from the audience.

p.p.s. - Yes, I'm always like this.


  1. Can I get a whoot whoot up in herrrre?

    1. Anonymous2:21 PM

      Whoot, whoot!!!

    2. I've already blown it! But, I'll keep posting anyway, as soon as I have something to say!!!

  2. Anonymous2:21 PM

    And I will try my best to check out your posts everyday, Amiga. I will tie string around a finger. :)

  3. Woo hoo Melissa! I'm in too! I'm so glad you are writing with us "for the love of it!" !!

    1. I love making people go, "Is she alright in the head?" Hehehe...

  4. Another WHOOT WHOOT from my place in the world. Zombies forever (only saying that to be cool).

    1. And I only write about them to be cool. Because, really...they freak me out.

  5. Anonymous9:04 PM

    At least it's only a day late and not a dollar short as well. :)

    1. Now I'm two days late and two bucks in the hole. That's half a mocha!

  6. Yes, folks. She really is just like this - which is why we love her. Although, typically, there are several more post scripts (absence of a plethora of post scripts may be caused by an absence of gluten). xo!

    PS I am not NaBloPoMo'ing it this year. I'm going to commit to drafting that stupid [insert my favorite f word here] book I've been working on all year instead.

    1. The post script/Gluten connection! I've got to bring that up to my doctor. Perhaps it is a symptom of something new? Gasp!!

      More about this book, I must know more!

  7. I'll be cheering you on, but shall be doing so from the sidelines this year. My muse left the station long ago, derailed the whole dang train, and took off with my motivation to the Bahamas. And I'm okay with it. Swearz it and such.

    But you, you my dear, ROCK! <3

    1. Emily, it isn't that your muse left you, it is that you are overworking it! You are so damn busy!!!!

  8. I'm going to start a NoNoPooPoo. I think you'd enjoy it! How are you, dear girl? Go get those Nano's - you can do it!

    1. NoNoPooPoo, I think you are right...I think I'd like it! I'm already behind on NaBlo....sigh...MoCoInMaBe (More Coffee In Mah Belly)
